Rental cars Turkey
What do you need to rent a car in Turkey?
If you want to rent a car in Turkey with or without a driver from Compass Group, all you need is down below
Why waste your time and effort in public transportation or taxi if you can rent a car in Turkey, whether with driver or without driver in Turkey, at cheaper and more comfortable prices to enjoy a better trip and gain more time to explore this charming country?
to rent a car
International driving license and entry stamp less than 6 months
If the entry stamp is more than 6 months old; In this case, you need an exclusive Turkish driving license
In addition to a proven residence address such as an official hotel reservation or hotel apartment contract
If you want to rent a car without a driver, you must be over 22 years old
Choose the car that includes comprehensive insurance (against fire, accident, theft and collision) and print the insurance policy with the car rental card.
Easy with
compass group
These easy and simple conditions are all it takes to rent a car in Turkey without a driver, but if you want to rent a car with a driver, the matter is much easier.
We can pick you up from the airport, drop you off at the hotel, and take you on tours or anywhere you want to go with a driver fluent in Arabic and Turkish; So as to avoid any problem or difficulty in communicating because of the language difference.
You should make sure that you have the insurance papers and car rental contract with you to avoid being questioned by the police in the case of renting a car without a driver, as well as your passport or identity card with you at all times.
There are some highways in Turkey that require tolls as well as some bridges and tunnels.
There are some important numbers that we will mention to you
The emergency number in Turkey is 112
And the police number in Turkey is 155
The number of firefighting in Turkey is 110
What does Compass Group rent a car in Turkey offer you?
We provide you with a variety of new cars that vary in luxury and size so that you can choose what suits you and your ability, all at the best price
There are also large cars that can accommodate more than 6 people in case you are a family or a group of friends who want to have a good time
We have a group of professional drivers who know the roads, places, shortcuts and laws well, and at the same time they are fluent in Arabic and Turkish so that you do not get caught up in any other details.
We finish all the paperwork related to renting a car for you as soon as possible and save you a lot of time and effort.
Organizing VIP family tours as well as family cars for rent in Turkey
We provide luxury VIP cars to any place in Turkey, whether in Istanbul, Trabzon or Bursa, wherever you want to go.
All cars in Compass Group have full accident insurance, with several easy payment options
The most famous traffic rules in Turkey that you should know if you rent a car in Turkey
Like the rest of the world, the right side of the road is for normal speed, while the left side is for the express line, with a speed limit of 30-50 kilometers per hour within cities, while on highways, the speed limit is 50-90 kilometers per hour.
Gas stations timings are from 6 in the morning until 10 at night, while on highways they work all day long
at a glance
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